Saturday, 9 April 2011


HELLO everyone..

Last a few days.. I attended "YOU CAN CREATE WEALTH" seminar.. This seminar was awesome! The speaker Mr K.C.. A student of Robert Kiyosaki, he is knowledged in Robert's book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"..
In this seminar i learned how to make millions from being infopreneur.. you need to turn it into Money-Making-Machine.. Making money and creating wealth is very different.. Most of us are making money but not necessarily creating wealth. To making money is easy but to create wealth needs a totally different mindset. You need to work smart and one of the best way to create wealth is to create these Money-Making-Machine..

with Mr. K.C 
Mrs. Sutin Sahmat, The Executive Secretary of Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak.

She just graduated MM programme 0311. A lots things she shared with me on this seminar.

meeting Mr. K.C has been a turning point in my life..

Mr. K.C has been a great supportter and cheerleader.. I gained so many idea and learned to think out of the box. Thank you Mr. K.C.. really can't wait to see you again in The Boot Camp.

If you interested to attend this seminar for FREE, just call/text me here. 

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