Wednesday, 6 April 2011


"The purpose of life is not to be happy. The purpose of life is to matter, to be productive, to have it make a difference that you lived at all. Happiness means self-fulfillment and is given to those who use to the fullest whatever talents God or luck or fate bestows upon them". - Leo Rosten

hi there.. 

When was the time you asked yourself: Am I doing what I really love to do?

Or are u simply working hard just to pay bills and if you're lucky, go for a holiday with your family to "de-stress" once a year (and come back only to feel distressed that you have overspent?)

Well, if the answer is"yes", you are not so different from 80 percent of the population..

It's sad, but true.. many people living in developed and developing countries do not like their jobs and are frustrated in their careers. Most are what I call just "occupying space". They wake up in the morning, travel in traffic jams to work, push papers and pens around or stare at the computer for next eight to twelve hours, then go home to their real "life" - their family and home, spend some not so-quality time there and it's off to bed until the next day's routine start again. Day after day. Month after month. Year after year. Decade after decade..
How to make the decision to get out of that rut and to start working on living life the way you want to.. You want more out of your lives.. You want to make difference.. You want to be sure that what you do for living matters..

AT181mentorship programme have answer for u.. I'll share it.. text / email me here...  Enjoy.. 

Have an awesome life!

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